Youth Development

Key Aspects in Developing a Schoolwide Athletic Development Programme

Introduction  Recently, Ardscoil Rís announced a renewed and expanded whole-school health, wellbeing and fitness initiative with Setanta. Through the initiative the school aims to build on its impressive track record in sporting terms while also catering to the wider student [...]

By |2023-11-22T11:17:07+00:00November 22nd, 2023|Youth Development|

Ardscoil Rís Launch Expanded Whole-School Health, Wellbeing and Fitness Initiative with Setanta

Limerick secondary school Ardscoil Rís has announced a renewed and extended partnership with Setanta Athletic Development, a division of Setanta College, focusing on a number of whole school health, wellbeing, and fitness initiatives. Through this partnership, Setanta will provide comprehensive [...]

By |2023-10-26T11:30:01+01:00October 26th, 2023|Youth Development|

Preparing for the Senior Game – A Closer Look at the Physical Demands of Junior Rugby

In a previous piece, Setanta College graduate Annie McCarra MSc, examined the Physical Demands of Rugby Union, and the difference between the senior and junior game. In this article, Annie examines the demands of Junior Rugby in more detail. A [...]

The Physical Demands of Rugby Union: Analysing the Difference Between the Senior & Junior Game

The Evolution of Rugby Union When Rugby Union became professional in 1995 so too did the style of play, with players becoming bigger, stronger, and faster. This increase in physicality has influenced growing research on the science behind the sport, [...]

Greg Bennett: The Pre-Season Puzzle – How Do We Fit All The Pieces Together?

As coaches, how do we plan our training so that our teams get the most from it? This is a question many will have asked themselves as they plan their pre-season training periods. Many GAA and soccer pre-season schedules are [...]