Sports Science

Should We Be Concerned About Sport and Exercise Science Research?

“Non-replicable single occurrences are of no significance to science” (Popper, 1959, p. 64) Sports and exercise science is a vast research field with many sub-disciplines and, as a result, there is a high amount of research conducted in the field. [...]

By |2022-11-03T09:53:42+00:00May 31st, 2021|Sports Science|

Coaching Considerations on the Return to Play – Dr. Liam Hennessy, Des Ryan & Prof. Ian Jeffreys

With sport and training making its highly anticipated return, all involved in sport will be eager to hit the ground running. Coaches will find themselves in unfamiliar territory as teams and athletes return from a lengthy period of relative inactivity. [...]

Preparing for the Senior Game – A Closer Look at the Physical Demands of Junior Rugby

In a previous piece, Setanta College graduate Annie McCarra MSc, examined the Physical Demands of Rugby Union, and the difference between the senior and junior game. In this article, Annie examines the demands of Junior Rugby in more detail. A [...]

The Physical Demands of Rugby Union: Analysing the Difference Between the Senior & Junior Game

The Evolution of Rugby Union When Rugby Union became professional in 1995 so too did the style of play, with players becoming bigger, stronger, and faster. This increase in physicality has influenced growing research on the science behind the sport, [...]